I would like to thank all of you who attended the public hearing about Pontchartrain Beach on Saturday. There is power in numbers!
The Lakefront Management Authority, who owns the land where the P.B. is located, told me after the meeting it would be a month or two before they put it up for a vote before the whole LMA Board. That all changed yesterday.
LAKEFRONT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023 - 5:30 P.M. New Orleans Lakefront Airport Terminal Conference Center 2nd floor, 6001 Stars and Stripes Blvd., New Orleans, LA, 70126
The following has been placed on the agenda:
Old Business 1. Motion to terminate the negotiation and preparation of a ground lease for the Pontchartrain Beach Site, and the conveyance of the improvements thereupon, with the Pontchartrain Beach Foundation and to rescind Resolution XIII 01-07282022.
Please attend if possible, you will be able to comment at the beginning of the meeting, comments are limited to 2 minutes. Hopefully the LMA Board will vote in favor of the motion, thus ending this chapter of the push to put the beach back into use.
The Lake Terrace Property Owners Association as well as the Lake Oaks Civic Association are not against this parcel being developed. It will happen at some point in the future. Moving forward we would like to be more involved with the process since whatever is proposed for that site may affect us in the future.
You can see the full agenda on the LMA website: https://nolalakefront.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/MAY-25-2023-Board-Meeting-Agenda__5.23.2023.pdf