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LTPOA November Update

  • The Lake Terrace Property Owners Association urges you to vote YES for Lake Terrace Crime Prevention District - Parcel Fee - CC - 8 Yrs.

From the LTCPD: The November 18 ballot includes a proposition to renew the crime district and deals with the fee assessment which has been $300 for the last 21 years. The fee for single residences for 2024 will be $300 . Depending on patrol expenses in the future, the proposition would allow us to apply annual incremental increases as needed but not to exceed $550. This still less than the fees in other districts in the city. If this does not pass, the LTCPD will cease to exist, we will have no security, and any remaining funds will be turned over to the City of New Orleans General Fund. Below is the statement the LTCPD released this week.

  • Holiday Movie Night

Keep watch for an official announcement about our Holiday Movie Night that will take place in December. If you can help us with this event, please reach out to

  • We need you

The LTPOA is looking for people who would like to join our board, we are a few board members short. We are looking for people who are excited about our wonderful neighborhood and would like help keep it this way. Please reach out ASAP to

  • January Meeting & Dues

The LTPOA will be holding our annual meeting in January, details coming soon. As a reminder, dues for 2023 must be paid before midnight on Dec. 31 to have voting privileges in the January 2024 LTPOA Election. All dues will reset on January 1, 2024. If you pay the recurring membership fee online, then you don't have to worry about this, you will automatically be renewed.


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