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London Ave. Pump Station Update:

“The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, in partnership with the U.S. Navy Supervisor of Salvage and Diving, have been installing temporary pumps at the London Avenue Permanent Canal Closure and Pumps (PCCP) as a precautionary measure for delivering sufficient pumping capacity during this hurricane season. These pumps will provide an additional 1,000 cubic feet per second in pumping capacity by June 1, 2023.


In order to meet this deadline, beginning Saturday, May 27, 2023, the Corps contractor will begin 24-hour operations to complete the installation required for pumping capacity by this Thursday.


The night activities will be welding and placing pumps as well as increased vehicular traffic along Pratt Drive. 


During this limited activity the Corps will continuously monitor sound levels to ensure night activities do not exceed 60 decibels.


These pumps will remain on site until Pump #1 at the London Ave. PCCP is reinstalled. For more information regarding the greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps, please contact us at 504-862-2201 or askthecorps@usace.


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