Monday, May 20. 6:30PM Lake Vista Community Center 6500 Spanish Fort Blvd., 2nd floor.
Welcome: Phalon Cornist, President - Lake Oaks Civic Association
How zoning change pertains to Lakefront Management Authority: Louis Capo, Director - LMA
Current and requested zoning for each area and the changes that occur within: Ashley Haspel, President - Lake Terrace Property Owners Association
Q & A session
Description of Zoning (Taken Directly from City Zoning Ordinance Article 13)
· We are asking for a zoning change for Lake Terrace and Lake Oaks subdivisions from S-RS, Suburban Single Family Residential to S-LRS2, Lake Vista and Lakeshore Single Family Residential.
PURPOSE OF THE S-RS SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT : The S-RS Single-Family Residential District is intended for single-family residential neighborhoods developed after World War II where a more uniform lotting pattern is evident with larger, generally uniform setbacks. Limited non-residential uses such as places of worship that are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods may be allowed.
PURPOSE OF THE S-LRS2 LAKE VISTA AND LAKE SHORE SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT: The S-LRS2 Lake Vista and Lake Shore Single-Family Residential District is intended to provide for and encourage low-density single-family residential development of a relatively spacious character consistent with the unique development pattern of the Lake Vista and Lake Shore areas together with places of worship, recreational facilities, and accessory uses as may be necessary or typical for residential surroundings.