2022 Lake Terrace Buckmoth Spraying by Cambre Environmental Services
Spraying all types of oaks (and willows – caterpillars have been seen in willows but it’s rare).
When: Within mid April, dependent on weather (exact dates TBD). Jane will get a two day notification before it is scheduled and will notify everyone by email (we will not be able to give an exact time, it will be a window of time, which may change if it rains). All pets must be kept inside the day of the spraying.
How much: $40 per tree, checks made payable to “CES” (CAMBRE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES). Venmo: @Jane-Katner (include address and last name and be sure to drop off completed form notating venmo payment).
Due by: Wednesday, April 6th (the forms and payments will be turned into CES by Friday)
Drop off to: 1318 Lark Street (mail slot in front door, below beveled glass) Please don’t drop off between 10pm and 7am, my very loud dog will bark his head off and wake up the entire household. A paid receipt will be left at each address the day of by CES, once the spraying is completed at your address.
Please print out form below and drop off following directions above.